In [3]:
import pyurdme
from IPython.display import display, clear_output
import time

In [9]:
class CoralReef(pyurdme.URDMEModel):
    """ Model developed by Briggs and Drawert 3/31/2014, based on a 
        non-spatial model by Briggs and Adam.

    def __init__(self, name="coral_reef", D_c=1.0, D_m=1.0, version=1):
        pyurdme.URDMEModel.__init__(self, name)

        # Species
        Coral = pyurdme.Species(name="Coral",diffusion_constant=0.0)
        Coral_m = pyurdme.Species(name="Coral_m",diffusion_constant=D_c)
        MA = pyurdme.Species(name="MA", diffusion_constant=0.0)
        MA_m = pyurdme.Species(name="MA_m", diffusion_constant=D_m)
        Turf = pyurdme.Species(name="Turf", diffusion_constant=0.0)
        self.add_species([Coral, MA, Coral_m, MA_m, Turf])

        # Parameters
        phi_c = pyurdme.Parameter(name="phi_c", expression=0.0011) #1/year
        phi_m = pyurdme.Parameter(name="phi_m", expression=0.001) #1/year
        g_tc = pyurdme.Parameter(name="g_tc", expression=0.1) #1/year
        g_tm = pyurdme.Parameter(name="g_tm", expression=0.2) #1/year
        Gamma = pyurdme.Parameter(name="Gamma", expression=0.05)
        dc = pyurdme.Parameter(name="dc", expression=0.05) #1/year
        dm = pyurdme.Parameter(name="dm", expression=1.0) #1/year
        #dm = pyurdme.Parameter(name="dm", expression=0.2) #1/year
        phi_g = pyurdme.Parameter(name="psi_g", expression=0.0)
        # Death rate of mobile propgules.  Combine with diffusion to determine spread.
        mu_c = pyurdme.Parameter(name="mu_c", expression=1.0) #1/year
        mu_m = pyurdme.Parameter(name="mu_m", expression=1.0) #1/year
        # mobile propogules destroyed by estabilished 
        alpha_c = pyurdme.Parameter(name="alpha_c", expression=0.1) #1/year
        alpha_m = pyurdme.Parameter(name="alpha_m", expression=0.5) #1/year
        # Production of mobile propogules
        R_c = pyurdme.Parameter(name="R_c", expression=1.0) #1/year
        R_m = pyurdme.Parameter(name="R_m", expression=1.0) #1/year

        self.add_parameter([phi_c, phi_m, g_tc, g_tm, Gamma, dc, dm, phi_g, mu_c, mu_m, alpha_c, alpha_m, R_c, R_m])

        # Reactions:
        # C -> T : dc
        self.add_reaction(pyurdme.Reaction(name="R3", reactants={Coral:1}, products={Turf:1}, rate=dc))
        # MA -> T : dm
        self.add_reaction(pyurdme.Reaction(name="R4", reactants={MA:1}, products={Turf:1}, rate=dm))
        # T + C_m -> C : phi_c
        self.add_reaction(pyurdme.Reaction(name="R5", reactants={Turf:1, Coral_m:1}, products={Coral:1}, rate=phi_c))
        # T + MA_m -> MA : phi_m
        self.add_reaction(pyurdme.Reaction(name="R6", reactants={Turf:1, MA_m:1}, products={MA:1}, rate=phi_m))
        # C + T -> 2C : g_tc * exp(-1.0 * psi_g * MA / 100)
        self.add_reaction(pyurdme.Reaction(name="R7", reactants={Turf:1, Coral:1}, products={Coral:2}, propensity_function="g_tc*Turf*Coral*exp(-1.0 * psi_g * MA / Space_per_voxel)/vol"))
        # MA + T -> 2MA : g_tm
        self.add_reaction(pyurdme.Reaction(name="R8", reactants={Turf:1, MA:1}, products={MA:2}, rate=g_tm))
        # C + MA -> 2MA : Gamma * g_tm
        self.add_reaction(pyurdme.Reaction(name="R9", reactants={Coral:1, MA:1}, products={MA:2}, propensity_function="g_tm*Gamma*Coral*MA/vol"))
        # C -> C + C_m : R_c
        self.add_reaction(pyurdme.Reaction(name="R10", reactants={Coral:1}, products={Coral:1, Coral_m:1}, rate=R_c))
        # MA -> MA + MA_m : R_m
        self.add_reaction(pyurdme.Reaction(name="R11", reactants={MA:1}, products={MA:1, MA_m:1}, rate=R_m))
        # C_m -> 0 : mu_c
        self.add_reaction(pyurdme.Reaction(name="R12", reactants={Coral_m:1}, products={}, rate=mu_c))
        # MA_m -> 0 : mu_m
        self.add_reaction(pyurdme.Reaction(name="R13", reactants={MA_m:1},  products={}, rate=mu_m))
        # MA + C_m -> MA : alpha_c
        self.add_reaction(pyurdme.Reaction(name="R14", reactants={MA:1, Coral_m:1},  products={MA:1}, rate=alpha_c))
        # C + MA_m -> C : alpha_m
        self.add_reaction(pyurdme.Reaction(name="R15", reactants={Coral:1, MA_m:1},  products={Coral:1}, rate=alpha_m))

        # A unit square
        # each grid point is 10cm x 10cm, domain is 5m x 5m
        self.mesh = pyurdme.URDMEMesh.generate_square_mesh(L=5, nx=50, ny=50, periodic=True)

        # Place the A molecules in the voxel nearest the center of the square
        #self.placeNear({Coral:100}, point=[10,10])
        Space_per_voxel = 10
        self.add_parameter(pyurdme.Parameter(name="Space_per_voxel", expression=Space_per_voxel)) #1/year
        if True:
            # Start with two colonys
            self.set_initial_condition_place_near({Coral:Space_per_voxel}, point=[1,1])
            self.set_initial_condition_place_near({Turf:0}, point=[1,1])
            self.set_initial_condition_place_near({MA:Space_per_voxel}, point=[4,4])
            self.set_initial_condition_place_near({Turf:0}, point=[4,4])
            # Every voxel is the same

        for vndx in range(self.u0.shape[1]):
            tot = 0
            for sndx, sname in enumerate(self.listOfSpecies):
                tot += self.u0[sndx][vndx]
            if tot > 100:
                for sndx, sname in enumerate(self.listOfSpecies):
                    print "u0[{0}][{1}] = {2}".format(sname, vndx, self.u0[sndx][vndx])

        #self.timespan(numpy.linspace(0,500,501)) #500 years
        #self.timespan(numpy.linspace(0,5,72)) #5 years, by months
        self.timespan(numpy.linspace(0,11,66)) #10 years, by 2 months

In [10]:
model = CoralReef()
%time result =

DEBUG:UFL:No integrals left after transformation, returning empty form.
DEBUG:FFC:Reusing form from cache.
DEBUG:UFL:No integrals left after transformation, returning empty form.
DEBUG:UFL:No integrals left after transformation, returning empty form.
DEBUG:FFC:Reusing form from cache.
DEBUG:UFL:No integrals left after transformation, returning empty form.
DEBUG:UFL:No integrals left after transformation, returning empty form.
DEBUG:FFC:Reusing form from cache.
DEBUG:UFL:No integrals left after transformation, returning empty form.
DEBUG:UFL:No integrals left after transformation, returning empty form.
DEBUG:FFC:Reusing form from cache.
DEBUG:UFL:No integrals left after transformation, returning empty form.
DEBUG:UFL:No integrals left after transformation, returning empty form.
DEBUG:FFC:Reusing form from cache.
DEBUG:UFL:No integrals left after transformation, returning empty form.
DEBUG:UFL:No integrals left after transformation, returning empty form.
DEBUG:FFC:Reusing form from cache.
DEBUG:UFL:No integrals left after transformation, returning empty form.
DEBUG:UFL:No integrals left after transformation, returning empty form.
DEBUG:FFC:Reusing form from cache.
DEBUG:UFL:No integrals left after transformation, returning empty form.
DEBUG:UFL:No integrals left after transformation, returning empty form.
DEBUG:FFC:Reusing form from cache.
DEBUG:UFL:No integrals left after transformation, returning empty form.
DEBUG:UFL:No integrals left after transformation, returning empty form.
DEBUG:FFC:Reusing form from cache.
DEBUG:UFL:No integrals left after transformation, returning empty form.
DEBUG:UFL:No integrals left after transformation, returning empty form.
DEBUG:FFC:Reusing form from cache.
DEBUG:UFL:No integrals left after transformation, returning empty form.
DEBUG:UFL:No integrals left after transformation, returning empty form.
DEBUG:FFC:Reusing form from cache.
DEBUG:UFL:No integrals left after transformation, returning empty form.
DEBUG:UFL:No integrals left after transformation, returning empty form.
DEBUG:FFC:Reusing form from cache.
CPU times: user 15.2 s, sys: 119 ms, total: 15.4 s
Wall time: 21.4 s

In [11]:
x_vals = model.mesh.coordinates()[:, 0]
y_vals = model.mesh.coordinates()[:, 1]
C_vals = result.get_species("Coral")
MA_vals = result.get_species("MA")
Turf_vals = result.get_species("Turf")
num_vox = len(x_vals)

In [12]:
plt.figure(figsize=(12,6), dpi=100)
for tndx, tval in enumerate(model.tspan):
    plt.figure(figsize=(12,4), dpi=100)
    heatmap, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(x=x_vals, y=y_vals, weights=C_vals[tndx,:], bins=int(sqrt(num_vox)))
    cb = plt.colorbar()
    cb.set_label('Coral population')
    heatmap, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(x=x_vals, y=y_vals, weights=MA_vals[tndx,:], bins=int(sqrt(num_vox)))
    cb = plt.colorbar()
    cb.set_label('MA population')
    heatmap, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(x=x_vals, y=y_vals, weights=Turf_vals[tndx,:], bins=int(sqrt(num_vox)))
    cb = plt.colorbar()
    cb.set_label('Free Turf')

Let's compare to an ODE simulation of well-mixed version of this model.

In [ ]:
from scipy.integrate import ode

In [ ]:
def par(name):
    return model.listOfParameters[name].value
def coral_ode(t, rp):
    C = rp[0]
    M = rp[1]
    C_m = rp[2]
    M_m = rp[3]
    T = rp[4]
    return [
        par('phi_c')*C_m*T  + par('g_tc')*T*C - par('Gamma')*par('g_tm')*M*C - par('dc')*C ,
        par('phi_m')*M_m*T  + par('g_tm')*T*M + par('Gamma')*par('g_tm')*M*C - par('dm')*M ,
        par('R_c')*C - par('mu_c')*C_m  - par('alpha_c')*M*C_m,
        par('R_m')*M - par('mu_m')*M_m  - par('alpha_m')*C*M_m,
        par('dc')*C + par('dm')*M - par('phi_c')*C_m*T - par('phi_m')*M_m*T - par('g_tc')*T*C - par('g_tm')*T*M

In [ ]:
solver = ode(coral_ode).set_integrator('vode', method='bdf', order=15, atol=1e-6)
rp0 = ([99.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) # starting function
solver.set_initial_value(rp0, 0)
T = 60
dt = T/5000.
rp = []; t = []
while solver.successful() and solver.t <= T:
    solver.integrate(solver.t + dt)
    rp.append(solver.y); t.append(solver.t)
# Plotting    
rp = np.array(rp)
plt.plot(t, rp[:,  0], t, rp[:, 1], t, rp[:,4])
plt.title("Coral & MA")